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疫情的影响导致旅游业发生了巨大的变化,跨省游不断受阻,疫情对旅游基本面造成了一定的创伤,2022年Q1旅游经济运行指数也下降至近年来的低位,如何面对新变化成为旅游企业需要思考的新方向。The impact of the epidemic has led to great changes in the tourism industry, the continuous obstruction of inter provincial tourism, and the epidemic has caused some trauma to the tourism fundamentals. In 2022, the Q1 tourism economic operation index has also dropped to a low level in recent years. How to face the new changes has become a new direction for tourism enterprises to think about.


2018年7月20日,易观发布了《中国互联网医疗年度综合分析2018》的年度分析报告。2017年是互联网医疗的分水岭。以患者端为主的轻医疗需求市场,如移动问诊、医药电商等,趋于饱和;在医联体建设的政策驱动下,医院端通过信息化、数字化改造,加速自身医疗资源跨机构、跨区域流转。以医疗云为抓手,构建医疗数据标准,从而为人工智能提供基础训练,强化算法,推动AI产品落地,提高效率。 It is Year 2017 that is the watershed year for Internet Healthcare. It's going to be saturated of light medical services market for patient, such as, M-inquiry and medical E-commerce. Driven by the policy of hospital alliance, hospital has accelerated its medical resources utilization across institutions and regions, through information and digital construction. Using medical cloud as platform collects data and unifies data standard, to strengthen AI training, and then promoting AI implementation.